February 28 @8am EST
This 2 in 1 session showcases the latest thinking about staff training (to help you review your plans and launch new ideas) and introduces you to the magic of all camp games (to build community spirit)
- Beth Allison, After 42 years in the Camp industry, Beth Allison is more passionate than ever about intentional leadership training and building solid, supportive community. She began her full-time camp career as a Co-Director in Ontario, Canada and, 10 years later, became the Executive Director of five summer camps. She has gone on to create CampHacker with her husband, Travis, became a founding member of GoCampPro, and is now an author, trainer, international speaker, and one of the hosts of Camp Code, a podcast dedicated to leadership training.
- Gabrielle Raill, Gabrielle has combined her passion of group dynamics in summer camps and graphic design to educate future staff, parents and organizations about the long-term benefits of camp. As an internationally recognized speaker amongst camp professionals on leadership and training, she is also one of the founders of the Women in Camp Summit and the Thanks to Camp movement.
- John (Jorgi) Jorgenson, Past ICF, OCA and CCA President, and Past Camp Tawingo director.
Subscribe to the ICF YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGLnzrLEGF9Z5LLnvjhsv4w
Find all of Jorgi’s handouts here: https://icfconnect.net/icf-programs/icf-academy-season-3/
Paar Lauf Relay handout: https://icfconnect.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Paar-Lauf-Relay.pdf
Top Training Tips handout: https://icfconnect.net/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Top-Training-Tips.pdf
Some statistics:
63 participants from 18 countries:
Brazil, Canada, France, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Mongolia, Panama, Peru, Romania, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, USA, Venezuela.
Links mentioned in the video:
#ThanksToCamp: https://www.thankstocamp.org/
#ThanksToCamp Facebook page: www.facebook.com/thankstograceaucamp
#ThanksToCamp Instagram: www.instagram.com/thankstocamp/
#ThanksToCamp song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nS_kRRvnrfI
International Camp Directors Course (ICDC) information here: https://www.icc2023spain.org/program/#icdc
ICC website, information and registrations: www.icc2023spain.org
ICC contact email: info@icc2023spain.org
ICC facebook event: https://fb.me/e/1Vd5Vbxk7
ICC facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/455212286763010/
Subscribe to the ICC 2023 newsletter here: https://www.icc2023spain.org/#newsletter and get the latest information!
ICC 2023 YouTube playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBYn098zGD_BC08OUBicH3J_G9s-W3I6S
#icc2023spain #icf_camping_fellowship #ICFAcademy #internationalcampingfellowship @internationalcampingfellowship #icfconnect #icfacademy #thankstocamp #planforcamp #morethanjustfun #becauseofcamp #sendmetocamp #VamosDeCampamento #graciasalcamp #Vivelescamps #thingswemissfromcamp #MorePeopleOutdoorsMoreOften