Bill & Jenny Bowker Scholarship Fund
The Bill & Jenny Bowker Scholarship Fund is part of ICF’s commitment to assisting emerging camp leaders and communities by supporting their participation in special training events (particularly International Camping Congress).
Since 2000 we have supported a number of different delegates to attend both international and regional congresses. These scholarship recipients have gone on to make a difference in their camping communities and assisted in the global development of camps.
We welcome your financial support of the Bill & Jenny Bowker Scholarship Fund which will enable deserving camp, youth work, and outdoor professionals to participate in the next International Camping Congress.
The Bill & Jenny Bowker Scholarship Fund was established in memory of long-time friend to International Camping. It is designed to assist, whenever possible, potential Congress delegates from regions of the world without the resources and support of a formal camping association and thereby encourage the development of organized camping experiences and associations where none exist.
The fund is administered by a three-person committee selected from members of the ICF Board. Bill & Jenny’s contribution to camping in their home state of Victoria, Australia and, by extension, to all of ICF is preserved in the following testimony by his friends in camping.
Who is Bill Bowker?
Bill Bowker generously served the international camping movement and demonstrated his commitment to the principles of global peace and understanding at every level – from his home at Kangaroobie in Australia to his annual, on-going work with the Steering Committee of ICF.
His early loss in a fight with cancer prompted his family and friends in camping to create a camping fund in his memory. True to his ardent wish and constant reminder when he was alive to never forget those in need, the Bill & Jenny Bowker Scholarship Fund is established to assist camping leaders – whether they be students or professionals -to attend special training events (especially International Camping Congresses) from countries and conditions where the resources do not currently exist for them to bring themselves to the world of outdoor experience. Candidates from areas of the world where ICF can assist in developing camping associations and programs are especially encouraged to apply.
Donate Now
We welcome your financial support of the Bill & Jenny Bowker Scholarship Fund which will enable deserving camp, youth work, and outdoor professionals to participate in the next International Camping Congress. By clicking Donate button you will be redirected to secure Pay Pal online payment system. Thank you for your donation.