Volunteer Positions

The Board structure is based upon the current By-Laws adopted by the membership of the International Camping Fellowship at a meeting in February 2018. A full copy of these By-Laws is available upon request.


The Elected Board – E-Board (4 Positions) is composed of President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. (The Past President or President-Elect serves ex-officio) This body is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the organization (ICF) and performs all related duties. The term of service is one year at a time, but these Board members are encouraged to let their name stand to the next ICF International Camping Congress (3 years). The E-Board is part of, consults with Board and is guided by the Board as a whole.


The Board Appointments (7 Positions) are composed Committee Chairs and are recruited on the basis of skills set and interest.


Other Board Members may consist of 3-5 Board Members (elected or appointed) and ex-officio Members (Past-President, the next Congress Chair and any other such appointments that the Board deems appropriate). To promote continuity, Board Members are encouraged to serve, if possible, from Congress to Congress.


Candidates for President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary must be current ICF Members, and may be nominated by any other current Member. Nominees must meet the following criteria and agree to these service obligations:

  • A minimum of three years of prior experience on the ICF Board service
  • Fund personal travel and expenses to one (1) ICF Board meeting annually
  • Ability to participate in periodic virtual meetings, as requested.
  • The ability to work and contribute in English (or through translation to English)
  • The time and resources for meaningful Board contribution.


Candidates for Treasurer must also have demonstrated experience in budget management and financial oversight.

Candidates for Board Members are elected by a vote of all current Ambassadors. This election is conducted after the Board election and appointment of other members of the next term’s Board, and Ambassadors. The election may be conducted electronically or as part of a General Assembly of Ambassadors held in person. To ensure continuity, Board Members are encouraged to serve, if possible, from Congress to Congress.

Candidates for Ambassadors are ICF Members who are elected, acclaimed or appointed from within each country by the ICF membership of that country. If more than one qualified nomination is submitted, then an election is conducted. If only one candidate is nominated, the candidate may be acclaimed. The ICF Board must approve any appointments. If there are no nominations from a particular country, the Ambassador Attaché on the Advisory Board is directed to seek out suitable volunteer and recommend the name for consideration by the Board.

Ambassador responsibilities include:

  • Recruit additional ICF Members within their country.
  • Assist in forging links amongst members, nationally and internationally, including exchange of campers, camp staff, directors.
  • Supply news and information from the country to ICF on a regular basis.
  • Survey known information on organized camping and outdoor experience in their country.
  • Disseminate information on international camping and ICF programs and services.
  • Serve as a member of the ICF General Assembly at the next International Camping Congress
  • Secure regional coordinators within the country when appropriate.
  • Assist in the work if the ICF in other ways as requested to do the work of ICF.


Nomination forms are available to any and all current Members.
Nomination Forms must be completed and submitted in a timely fashion within prescribed time frames.


If more than one nomination is received for any given Board position, the Election Chair ordesignate conducts an election of all qualified persons nominated, providing background information, statement of intent and photograph. Voting privileges in a Board Election and/or at an Annual Meeting are extended to all current Members. Results are posted virtually by the Elections Committee from the ICF Office.

Board Members (Not elected by full membership or appointed by the E-Board)

If more than three nominations for Board Member in the general positions are received, the current Ambassador Attaché conducts an election by the current Ambassador Assembly. The top three candidates are presented to the Board for approval as Board Members for the following term.