ICF Index of Resources
addressing CoVID-19 Crisis and Camps
In the current turmoil of health and financial issues brought on by COVID-19, ICF is eager to play its part in bringing together the various camp communities and their resources.
We do not wish to duplicate efforts or compound the flood of information crossing our feeds every day. Rather, ICF is ready to ‘fill in the gaps’ between these efforts by reaching across borders and ‘connect’ us all to resources developed by national, regional or other camp professional groups in various countries.
Some of the smartest minds in camp are creating, innovating, collaborating and sharing. We will get through this and we will do it together. The links below provide paths for any camp professional to gain access to the collective wisdom and knowledge of the full world of camping.
We are Stronger Together!
Go Camp Pro: Camp & COVID NewsletterConcise daily newsletter curated by camp professionals summarizing and sharing the most active and applicable conversations related to camps and CoVID-19
Australian Camps Association: Association Portal | Member Portal to resources of the ACA-AUS Username: example@auscamps.asn.au Password: camp1login2! Note: Please do not change this password. |
Go Camp Pro Slack Workgroup: COVID-19 + Camp | Massive community of almost 3000 members. Organized and searchable by topics. Operates on ‘slack’ platform |
American Camps Association: COVID-19 Resource Page | Member resources available to all on the main association website of ACA-USA |
CampHacker Podcast and Other Resources: What if Camp Doesn’t Run in 2020 | Summer Camp Consulting site with a large following. Various resources available. Paid access to some services/resources |
Summer Camps and CoVID-19: SUMMER CAMPS and COVID-19 | Private Facebook group (almost 2000) intended for the purpose of discussing issues pertaining to the coronavirus (COVID-19) as it relates to summer camps. |
Virtual Camp Ideas Group: Virtual Camp Ideas Group | Private Facebook group (almost 4000) is for camp and youth professionals to share ideas on how to run camp activities virtually |
Summer Camp Pro: Summer Camp Professionals | Private Facebook group (more than 20000) for camps and youth professionals to share ideas |
SCamp Life: SCamp Life | Private Facebook group (500) for camp professionals from anywhere in the world |
International Camping Fellowship Website: News | News items gathered by International Camping Fellowship from members around the world |
Ontario Camps Association: CoVID-19 Resources | Resource Page for members and other camp professionals on OCA website |
Association des camps du Quebec: CoVID-19 Resources (French) | Resource Page for members and other camp professionals on ACQ website (French/English) |
Association des camps du Quebec: CoVID-19 Assessment Tool (French) | An assessment tool designed to assist decision-making in the light of the current pandemic. (French) |
Canadian Camping Association: CoVID-19 Resources | National and Provincial base resources that are available to all camp members. |
Collectivo Campamentos de Verano: CoVID-19 Resources (Spanish) | Camps and camp sites operating in Spain with special guidelines for COVID-19 |
Community of Madrid: CoVID-19 Resources (Spanish) | Camps special guidelines for COVID-19 |
Please note: ICF cannot take responsibility for the accuracy of information, quality of recommendation or importance of direction provided on these sites.
If you can identify and connect us to any additional resource links that you consider useful, please complete the form for review and inclusion.