This ICF Research page is generated to promote existing research in organized camping and to further new research efforts internationally. Camper populations and camp settings are utilized in research projects quite regularly.
ICF Research Committee:
Stephen Fine
Deb Bialeschki
Masako Harigaya
To join the ICF Research Committee or submit a research project, please email us at
Practical Use of Camp Research
In consumer-oriented societies research assures product quality within the market. Parents look for products and services for their families that have been backed up by research. Governments, corporate sponsors, insurance underwriters and funding agencies all utilize research data for their decision making.
Findings provide camp professionals with the best and most current information on camp related issues and practices. Research results document that the camp experience can be a setting for positive youth development. Data provides verification that specific camp goals are being met.
Findings indicate camp experience enhances learning skills development and total educational development through camp experience.
Research findings demonstrate that the camp staff experience contributes to total workforce development in emerging adults.
Research Projects Submitted to ICF
Please log in ICF Connect, go to the Resource Library and select Research to view and download research projects submitted to ICF.