ICF Academy S4 E5: ICF Camp Study Tours – English Summer S.A. in Spain

May 21, 2024

Session description

Join us to meet Carolina Fleix-Wright, the co-owner and director of English Summer S.A. camp in Spain and to take a tour of camp. We will look behind the program successes and learn about all aspects of the English Summer S.A. camp operation – from history to administration, services to operations, camp operations in Spain and more. Learn how your camp can join the ICF Camp Study Tour Program and be featured in future episodes.

In the ongoing effort to build a catalog of video tours of ICF camps around the world, we visit some of the host camp(s) of ICC 2023 under the guidance of the directors and ICF Board member Carolina Fleix-Wright. English Summer operates on five sites in the region of Catalonia in Spain and uses a traditional summer camp model to enrich English teaching alongside cultural and character development.

Spotlight:  Harness Technology to Be a More Human Camp Director – with Travis Allison

As a camp director, your personal touch keeps families returning year after year. But manual marketing and administrative tasks can pull you away from meaningful interactions with parents and campers. Learn how AI and automation tools can handle the repetitive work, giving you more time to build real relationships. Discover easy-to-implement strategies, from personalized video messages to streamlined registration, showing your camp families how much, you care.


  • John (Jorgi) Jorgenson, Past ICF, OCA and CCA President, and Past Camp Tawingo director.
  • Carolina Fleix-Wright, ICF Board Member, and English Summer S.A. owner/director.
  • Travis Allison, a driven, passionate and charismatic multi-media professional. He is active as professional speaker, marketeer, consultant and photographer catering to diverse customers, including summer camps and private schools.


A special “Thank you!” to the ICF Academy team for coordinating the presentation of this episode: Dr. Gwynn Powell, Gabrielle Raill, Dr. Simon Sambrano, Kate Taylor, Luciana Contreras, Alexia Sideri

YouTube link: https://youtu.be/PxeA0EkCQPs

Some statistics

44 participants joined for the live episode, from 13 countries.

Canada, China, Greece, Japan, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Türkiye, USA, Venezuela.

The mean participation time was 60 minutes out of a total of 90 minutes.

Useful links

ICF Camp Study Tours – English Summer S.A. in Spain – English Subtitles: https://youtu.be/pO-GYPk9vIk

ICF Camp Study Tours – English Summer S.A. in Spain – Spanish Subtitles: https://youtu.be/0-tRl8bFJCA

ICF Camp Study Tours – English Summer S.A. in Spain – Chinese Subtitles: https://youtu.be/uGPws8fJtKc

ICF Camp Study Tours – English Summer S.A. in Spain – Russian Subtitles: https://youtu.be/LVgC6eZKE-Y

Apply to host a future ICF Camp Study Tour:


English Summer S.A.: https://www.englishsummer.com/en/

ICF Camp Study Tours: https://www.icfconnect.net/icf-programs/icf-camp-tours/

Support ICF by becoming a member: www.myicfconnect.net

Find Travis at: https://gocamp.pro/

Get a personalized video message from Travis here: https://go-camp-pro.ck.page/icf-oraas

Find Travis’ book here: https://www.amazon.com/Camper-Recruitment-Retention-Playbook-Joanna/dp/1738132307

Don’t forget to subscribe to the ICF YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGLnzrLEGF9Z5LLnvjhsv4w


To become an ICF member or to renew your membership please email: membership@icfconnect.net

ICF Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalCampingFellowship

ICF Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/42182136814

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ICF Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/icf_camping_fellowship

ICF LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/235446


#ThanksToCamp: https://www.thankstocamp.org/

#ThanksToCamp Facebook page: www.facebook.com/thankstograceaucamp

#ThanksToCamp Instagram: www.instagram.com/thankstocamp/

#ThanksToCamp song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nS_kRRvnrfI


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