
ICF Board Appointed Positions – 2020

ICF is pleased to announce and present the following ICF members who will join the ICF Advisory Board in the year ahead. These people have been appointed into their positions by the Elected Board as per Step Two of “Steps to Building a Board”. Step…

Covid 19: Update from our ICF Ambassadors

During this time, ICF Ambassadors have been in regular communication with Pablo Casas – ICF Board Member (Ambassador Attaché). These reports reflect the scope of the current pandemic across camp communities in a number of countries. These reports have been summarized from those received in…

Covid-19: Words from our friends in China

Over recent days, the ICF (International Camping Fellowship) has been receiving updates from various camp professionals in other countries. Like all of us working together here, the broader community is addressing similar challenges with collaboration, community and creative thinking. This note is from part of…