ICF is pleased to announce and present the following members who will lead the ICF Board in the year ahead. These people were acclaimed into their positions. They will now begin to staff the Board with other volunteers (Step Two on the “Steps to Building a Board”)
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Statement of Intent:
I have had the privilege of being On the ICF Board with two amazing presidents: Valery Kostin and John Jorgenson. Both of them were true examples of the 3 tasks above. They built bridges between countries and people. I have been watching these two charismatic leaders of camp industry as well as other board members for quite a long time. I have learnt a great deal from all of them. In the meantime I have done my best to support ICF goals. When I was recently asked “Do you plan to run for ICF president?” My answer was “I AM READY” ICF has a strong foundation and an amazing potential to grow by keeping its well- working model and values. As the new Board of ICF 2020-2023, we will also work for:
After serving ICF for 12 years in total and last 6 years as the vice-president, taking part in the “visioning” and “structuring” teams, having congress experience, visiting many ICF countries and gaining diplomacy experience, I believe I can carry the ICF flag forward. |
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Statement of Intent: Having seen first-hand the growth of ICF since the early 1990s, I can attest to the power of the work that we do around the world. The establishment and support of national and regional camping associations; the strength of educational events including the ICDC and ICCs; the continued connection of camping leaders and camping programs and the engagement of many under an umbrella of peace. ICF has grown exponentially in membership numbers over the past decade. There is work to be done with membership benefits. A more robust communication strategy that provides regular information of value would be high on that list. ICF needs to create MORE opportunities for engagement across more platforms. ICF needs to invest in technology that allows for ease of connection including video conferencing. ICF needs to focus on the educational opportunities within the association and continue to look for ways to expand. The ICDC program is terrific. Where else can this program be held? The ICC experience continues to evolve and I look forward to playing a central role with the 2023 ICC and others that follow. The ICF Ambassador program is still in its infancy. It needs further refinement. A robust Board is required that has a balance of new perspectives and energy along with seasoned leadership. I believe I can play a sizeable role with my experience on the Board. With the addition of paid support staff, ICF has the capability to increase our service to members and I look forward to nurturing this aspect of the ICF experience. As an international camping community, we have made great strides since 1987 to bring together a world of outdoor experience. I look forward to seeing more lives impacted by the power of the ICF experience and also looking to evolve, strengthen and deepen our commitment to camping leaders around the world. |
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Statement of intent: With the contracting of paid support this role should be less burdensome in the future and practices are established to allow the work to be done from any country. My ultimate goal; to hand over a clean process for ease of use! |
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Statement of intent: I am committed to bringing fresh perspectives to the Board and an inside look into Asian camping with an International looking glass. I am dedicated to perfecting my craft as Secretary and assisting the President and colleagues to the fullest. I believe that we can streamline our organizations as whole, and I will volunteer my time until our missions are met. I am especially eager to participating in the upcoming ICF Visioning exercise as it is of top importance to our organization and future. I am committed to seeing ICF continue in the right direction under both new leadership, new structure and new systems |