December 12, 2023
Session description
This session provides a professional look at environmentally sustainable practices at camp. How can we walk the talk in sustainability, both in education and in practice.
- Kiky Amirullah (Green Camp Bali, ICF Ambassador, Indonesia)
- Danny Sudman (Executive Director & Founder of, USA)
- Daniel Kasnick (D&D Camp, Peru)
- Joel Thompson (Island Energy, ICF Board Member, Australia)
- Brendan Smith (YMCA Victoria, ICF Ambassador, Australia)
Spotlight: Women In Camp (WIC)
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A special “Thank you!” to the ICF Academy team for coordinating the presentation of this episode:
Dr. Gwynn Powell, Gabrielle Raill, Dr. Simon Sambrano, Kate Taylor, Luciana Contreras, Alexia Sideri
Some statistics
55 participants joined for the live episode, from 15 countries.
Belgium, Canada, China, Colombia, Greece, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Mongolia, Peru, Russia, Spain, Turkey, United States, Venezuela.
The mean participation time was 75 minutes out of a total of 90 minutes (83% participation retention)
Highlights from the chat
Every session with ICF is another highlight in developing our camp organization; the energy, the know-how, the communication are all very inspiring and rich. Thank you. I am so grateful to be part of this amazing community.
We are in the process of building our own boutique campsite at the moment, and all knowledge we have gone through today served as amazing reminders on what to prioritize and how to apply the sustainability principles in an accessible manner, so we can involve a wider community and have a wider effect. Thank you!
I feel so lucky to have attended that first Camp Directorship course in Hong Kong many years ago, so I can be here today among all of you. Thank You, thank You!
Es nuestra conexión a la naturaleza lo que nos inspira a protegerla.
To Know – To Care – To Act
What?! mud wrestling as environmental green education?!
Consumir responsablemente es tan importante, sobretodo cuando nos influenciamos fácilmente en rrss.
Connecting camper learning experiences to educational content!
Brújula de la sostenibilidad: Naturaleza, economía, bienestar y Sociedad
Un buen comienzo es llevarlos a enamorarse de la naturaleza a través de nuestros programas y esto abrirá el corazón de cada uno de ellos para cuidarla y respetarla….
We need thought leaders and proof of practical steps that can move us to greener actions.
Sustainability cannot forget that it is not only about environmental issues but also regarding the economic and cultural issues. Each region should think of ways to provide positive impact regarding particular needs. For example, in our region, poverty and cultural issues must be prioritized over the environmental ones.
No question that we are all starting in different places. The question is whether we can move forward from wherever we are but towards the same goal. The path forward to the goal may be different but we each must chart a path to the same destination.
Invite community members into your green team to be a part of the conversation. (Parents, Business Owners, Government Officials, etc). This provides an opportunity to understand how your community understands/defines sustainability and provide engaging education.
A full nature/environmental/green program is integrated into the main body of camp program – alongside the higher energy activities of swimming, canoeing, sports, out tripping, etc.
We have found very important to connect all our providers to our sustainable politics. Now, after 10 years, food providers, transportation providers and others need to change their own politics in their own operations to serve our CAMP politics.
Educational Signage! Imagine the power of a camper looking at a recycling/composting/landfill sign, collecting information and then making an informed decision about where to toss their item. Same with turning off lights, turning off water, reporting water leaks, etc.
Partner with local organizations who are mission aligned
SHERO: “Share. Hear. Empower. Raise. Own.
Thank you everyone who put amazing work into this session!
Links mentioned in the video
The Equi-Distance Game:
Influencing Green Behavior at Your Camp:
Youth demands for quality climate change education – UNESCO report:
Women in Camp Summit website:
Women in Camping pop up website:
Women in Camping IG:
Women in Camping FB:
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