Annual Camp Workshop in Mexico (TAC 2021)
On May 15th, 2021, the Mexican Camp Association held its annual spring conference – Taller Anual de Campamentos (TAC 2021). One presenter shared trans-Atlantic news and greetings. Carolina Fleix-Wright runs (English Summer) in the Catalonia Region of Spain. As the attachment indicates, their campaign in…
Read MoreNational Camping Association of Japan “Delivering Camps to Every Corner of Society”
Twenty years after hosting ICC 2000 with the theme “Towards a New Camping Culture”, NCAJ continues to express their vision by “Delivering Camps to Every Corner of Society“. It has been working to promote camps as a means to address and solve social issues facing…
Read MoreInternational Seminar on Special Needs and Camps
On May 11, Russian Children’s Centre <<Orlyonok>> hosted a Roundtable of Russian and international presenters on the topic of “Inclusive recreation for children: international experience, challenges and perspectives”. The roundtable took place within the Orlyonok inclusive camp session for visually impaired children “Artistic Impulse”. It…
Read MoreVirtual Winter Tech Camp, a Fresh and Fruitful Experience
Youth Development Center, YourAward and Sun Yat-sen University in China reached an agreement to collaborate and provide programs and service to youth and young people towards cultivating their scientific and technological literacy, leadership and team spirit. Two sessions of virtual camp were delivered over the…
Read MoreOutdoor Council of Australia Summit 2021 – 25th & 26th May – Australia
The Outdoor Council of Australia (OCA) has announced a summit to discuss the priorities and a path to a possible transformation of the outdoors industry and its sectors across Australia. It is the perfect time to come together to further unite and strengthen the various…
Read MoreNational Outdoor Education Conference 2021 – Australia
The National Outdoor Education Conference (known as NOEC) will be hosted in NSW in 2021, its 21st year of being held since its inception. The venue is the beautiful Fairmont Resort and Spa in Leura, located within the spectacular Blue Mountains. Jointly hosted by Outdoors NSW…
Read MoreRussia and #ThanksToCamp
Russian Children’s Centre “Orlyonok” hosted a #ThanksToCamp international online meeting, in order to support the ICF global campaign #ThanksToCamp. Participants The participants of the meeting were the campers and staff members of: national children’s centres “Zubryonok» (Belarus), “Baldauren” (Kazakhstan), “Kamchia” (Bulgaria), federal children’s centres “Orluonok”, “Ocean” and…
Read MoreProject Team Conference in Moscow Russia
The International Children Center Artek has continued its leadership in education by hosting approximately top-level teachers from across Russia in a conference on the subject developing leaders for social change. Titled “Project Team”, the three-day event took place at the Cosmos Hotel in Moscow but…
Read MoreInterview on the TV channel “Tyumensky Vremya”
On March 22nd, 2021, ICF President Fahrettin Gozet and ICF Past President Valery Kostin took part in the filming of the TV show “Interview” on the TV channel “Tyumensky Vremya”. In a conversation with Olga Solonitsyna, they talked about the activities of the International Camping…
Read MoreRodion Zhyznevskyy is with John Jorgenson at Українське радіо (Ukrainian Radio)
Rodion Zhyznevskyy is with John Jorgenson at Українське радіо (Ukrainian Radio) What: Evening podcast #11 “Doing business” with Rodion Zhyznievskyi on RUI Topic: Online education, kids, offline and online camping during pandemic, the ICF, China, student camps. When: It was broadcast live on RUI on…
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